
“Coaching is an amazing tool and I would like to thank Talyaa for guiding me to use her miraculous tools to organize my goals, every day thoughts and actions.“
- G. Aylar, Senior Account Manager, RBC Royal Bank Canada

“Creative Inquiry touches you in a way, that your life is never the same again.”
-Lale Ak, Brand Leader, DuPont

“ I discovered my true self when I experienced one-on-one coaching with Talyaa!  In the Intention part of the course I clarified what I wanted to explore. Declaration is a big step. The critical part is understanding the intention behind the intention (de-composing the first intention and re-structuring again is the critical part). If your coach is as experienced as Talyaa, you dare to confront all the illusion that you created  before. Talyaa is a master in removing the illusion.  Next I underwent a positive questioning process that was not directing or leading. It was spontaneous, relaxed and natural. These were the moments that I confronted myself. Talyaa is a very experienced coach. I think her strongest skill is her ability to break deeply engrained habits and helping to regain flow during and after the session.

Lastly we created action plans. Not random but well thought out planning process.

Last word:

Don’t give up! You can return to FLOW. You can change, start over, leave, go or stay. To take the journey with an experienced coach to help you to reconnect with yourself  is an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.”
-Aysen Ersoy, HR Deputy General Manager, Sebit Inc.-Turkish Telecom

“Talyaa’s coaching methodology enabled me to make decisions and work towards what I really wanted to do as a professional. The creative inquiry sessions were creative, well-focused and effective. Talyaa deploys different ways of posing questions that bring our innate wisdom deep into the sunlight.
- O.C. Koper, CSR Consultant